Faithfully Grounded

We are a community deeply grounded in the truth of our Catholic faith. This stability gives our community a place to rest and lean on. We are consistent and confident. We stay true to who we are while still remaining open and inclusive to all. This foundation of faith and love of Jesus Christ becomes how we connect and relate to one another.

Create Belonging

We are a deeply-rooted community which creates a secure, solid space for people to come as they are. We are welcoming, kind, thoughtful, and accepting. We are in it together. Through our relationships, environments, and interactions, we create a sense of trust, unity, and commitment to one another. There is a place for everyone here.

Uniquely Known

Being brought into the fold of our familial community means you don’t just belong, but you are seen by us. We seek to know the individual, affirm their value, and encourage their journey. We are about the slow process of building trust, relationships, and making sure no one is lost in the crowd.

Compassionate Sacrifice

Where there is a need, we are willing to give beyond what feels easy or comfortable. We serve others, actively getting involved for the sake of our students, staff, community, and city. We are willing to adapt, overcome, and take on any challenge. These challenges bring us together.

Invited to Challenge Yourself

To love well means to encourage and call someone to be the best version of themselves. We offer invitations to be courageous, make mistakes, overcome, and adapt to change. We challenge people to step out of their comfort zone for the sake of discovering more of themselves. This is in our teaching, environments, one-to-one relationships, extra curriculars, and more. This journey is one that we walk with people together.